Compares to:
• Dukal Clinisorb® Non Woven Sponges
• Dynarex Non Woven Sponges
• Crosstex Non Woven Sponges
• Medline Non Woven Sponges
• Kendall Healthcare Dermacea® Non Woven Sponges
• Kendall Healthcare Versalon® Non Woven Sponges
• Curity All Purpose Non Woven Sponges
• Medtronic Non Woven Sponges
It is possible to love a Non-woven square,
and still be considered normal by all your friends and family.
We introduced The Anywhere Square® many years ago as an alternative to the typical Chinese imported 8 and 12 ply squares, as well as the very expensive J&J NuGauze and Kendall Versalon. Well, month after month, year after year, The Anywhere Square® is our most popular bandaging square. People have been known to break out into spontaneous dances of joy when using them. (hence the root of the term 'square dance'!) *Soft *Absorbent *Non-linting *Versatile *Economical - The Anywhere Square - Use it here, use it there - Use It Anywhere ! That's why we call it the Anywhere Square!
ps. Non-woven squares are synthetic gauze squares, usually made of rayon and polyester. The higher the rayon content, the more absorbable and soft the product is. Our Anywhere Square has the highest rayon content of any non-woven square.
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